Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Shutter Speed

I went out tonight and took some photos to demonstrate shutter speed. I took these looking over the A38 at the Branston junction. I took with me the following equipment to help with the shots.

  • Canon 500D SLR
  • Tripod (to keep camera steady for long exposure times)
  • Remote shutter release

I then decided to use the following settings to start with.

  • Shutter Speed - 30 seconds (to capture movement)
  • Aperture - f22 (to give me larger depth of field)
  • ISO - 100 (usually you need a higher ISO for low light but with such a long exposure I felt an ISO of 100 would be sensitive enough)
  • Rule of thirds - I tried to set up the shot using this method to draw your eye into the picture by setting the bend in the picture about 1/3 down and 1/3 across from the right and make that the area where your eye is drawn.

I then adjusted a few setting to see the changes and felt the shutter speed of 20 seconds gave the best result. I then adjusted the shutter speed to get no movement and had to increase the ISO upto 12800 to get this and the pictures at this ISO do show light noise. To see all the pictures click here.

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  1. Hey John
    You've got some good light trails here. Suprising how the red lights blur more into one than the white lights.

    Keep experimenting

  2. Hi
    Just to assure you that you are meeting, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7,1.8 and 1.1,1.3 and 1.4 again as you are exploring techniques and reshoots(linked gallery).

