Sunday, 21 February 2010

Twycross Zoo

Today I went to Twycross zoo with my Fiancee and as she had to spend all day there on a training day I spent all day taking photographs. I tried to look at composing my pictures better and making a good point of focus for the picture. As usual with the Zoo a lot of the animals are hard to focus in on as they are behind cages of glass. I tried to get round this by using a large aperture and my 75 -300 lens which would take the bars/glass out of the picture as I had a very narrow depth of field. I will speak to Steve to see if there is anything else I can do to help this. Another hard part of the day was the changing light conditions which meant a lot of changes to ISO and shutter speeds. I am relatively happy with the results as this was all done using manual settings. Although not all images were great first time and when viewed were under/over exposed I was happy that I knew what to change on the camera to take a better picture.

To see more pictures click here.

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  1. Hi, great photos, i love the one of the cheetah.

  2. Hey

    Some great shots John. You've got some amazing shots of my favourite mammal, the otter. Good timing with big cat dinner time.

    Well done

  3. Hi
    the otter pic is truly stunning!
    Nice to see you out and about at Twycross, well documented with kit, this will tick off 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7,1.8, 2.2
    Also an easy tick off is that we are discussing ideas and evidencing them on the blogger so you tick off 2.1 as well.
    Tick them off on your tracker sheets.

