Sunday, 7 February 2010

Tones & Texture

In our last lesson we went through a presentation on how to compose a photograph and what things are needed to make a good picture. A good picture will need at least one of these elements but usually will have more than one, the elements are.

  • Rule of Thirds
  • Pattern
  • Texture
  • Tone
  • Colour
  • Lines
  • Shape
  • Frames
  • Form

Steve has now suggested when we go out to take photographs that we focus on a couple of these elements and just take pictures with this in mind. Yesterday I went to Branston Waterpark and decided to focus on "Texture and Tone" this was because the day was very dull and overcast so felt these would be better to focus on.

The photos were taken in the "Manual" mode on the camera so I was changing the settings for ISO, Aperture and shutter speed and reviewing each picture I would then adjust one or two settings if required until I got the picture I wanted. I now feel much more comfortable using and changing these settings and feel I understand what I need to change to improve a photograph. To see all the pictures click here. (I have added all pictures even the ones showing my trial and error with the settings)

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1 comment:

  1. Hi these are reflective of the powerpoint we did about exploring these areas,
    tick off as you have indicated.
    You need to start to concentrate on the ones you haven't ticked off and concentrate on them.2.5, 2.7 and moving into unit3

